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In person shop will be closed March 19 to April 2

The Knit Stitch Story



Hello! I'm Suzanne and Knit Stitch is my little corner of the yarn world. I've been a knitter (and very poor crocheter) most of my life. I like to say I'm an enthusiast rather than an expert in the craft. 

Knitting has at times been a lovely solitary, meditative undertaking, while at others it's a truly glorious community activity... and isn't that the joy of knitting and making? It can soothe a bad day, or punctuate a good one. The idea that we have the power to transform bit of string into something beautiful, sometimes useful but always unique, with just two sticks and our hands is still amazing to me!

Like a lot of people, knitting and making has played a big role in my life. My Mom (an amazing talent in her own right) taught me to knit as a child, and I'll always be unspeakably grateful for the encouragement and support that I had for all my various creative enthusiasms.

Eventually it all led to my opening a yarn shop when I decided to make a major life and career change and leave Toronto and my job producing children's television. It's been almost 10 years, and there have been ups and downs, a few shop moves, and a global pandemic... but I'm excited about the new cozy physical shop which feels the most personal of my spaces, and where I'll be able to pursue a nascent obsession with yarn dyeing. 

So thank you for visiting and for your support. Take good care, and happy stitching!

S x